← Game scores — Types of averaged scores

Arithmetic mean82%
Mode 70%

Distribution chart for 10 scores

Users who rated this game (10 people)

75% Evgeny Ivanitskiy 23/03/2023 286 scores
70% Klokhtun 8/04/2017 111 scores
80% Dark-ru 13/01/2016 277 scores
76% bob1651 20/11/2015 1428 scores
70% jesus 16/11/2014 53 scores
81% Werewolf Nemo 4/09/2014 333 scores
99% LoneWolf_E 11/08/2014 288 scores
91% Kromlek The Red 24/07/2014 17 scores
95% Dagoth 11/07/2014 270 scores
90% Дмитрий Валерьевич 23/05/2014 283 scores

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